
She sleeps on my chest

I am weak and tired,
I lie on the sofa,
She jumps on me and rests on my chest,
She pushes her nose to my cheek, and checks,
She crosses her hands on her chest,
And lay her head near my heart,
My heart is beating hard,
Her weight is a bit stress.
I fed her with smiles and she returns me with purrs
And falls asleep
on my chest.

4 則留言:

  1. 人同貓一樣, 有家真係幸福.

    早排有一日, 喺超級市場嘅停車場去還車仔嘅時候見到一隻貓, 好瘦好瘦, 好似連行都冇力, 但重周圍行好似搵嘢食咁, 真係好心酸.

    車度又冇乜嘢食物, 我就上車同文講, 睇下附近有乜嘢食店買d嘢俾佢食. 文話頭先咪見妳買咗嘢俾lucky食囉, 開一包俾佢.

    係喎, 一言驚醒夢中人. 即刻打開包餅仔倒d俾佢睇下食唔食, 佢食喎, 我又倒多d, 文話唔好俾咁多呀, 如果佢好耐冇食嘢, 妳會殺死佢架. 我話佢係大貓, 識飽啩?

    但我又一直返到屋企都好唔安樂, 唔知佢會唔會真係唔識飽. 不過我又安慰自己, 飽死點都好過餓死嘅. 希望佢冇事啦.

  2. 係好矛盾. 不過應該得既, 貓都幾叻.

    呢段, 太離譜, 撐住, 幾陰功, 陰功個失救既人.


  3. 不過幾荒謬, 他自己是醫生, 竟然過哂龍? 做戲咁做.

  4. 我提心吊膽咁開嚟睇, 鞏琍, 葛優, 應該係好睇嘅. 我中意葛優, 九十年代初喺北京睇佢電視做唔知咩編輯室的故事, 好好睇.

    不過睇咗dd就唔敢睇, 因為你話有人失救, 唔想睇, 就關咗.


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