One of my only shoes is broken.
It lasts for only one month.
It costs me 50 dollars.
Buying another pair?
No, I got no money.
Take turns to use the un-broken one,
Or can I just buy one?
I see a dog,
Its feet are bare,
It needs no shoes,
It is more fortunate than me.
講起狗, 好多人同d狗又着衫又着鞋, 我其實好懷疑佢係咪違反自然, 因為我覺得狗唔中意着衫.
回覆刪除以前屋企有隻大狗係短毛嘅, 咁冬天我媽咪怕佢凍, 就去車件衫俾佢着, 點知佢着咗件衫之後就lei埋唔肯出嚟. 有一次我哋去街返嚟發覺佢冇咗件衫, 佢d表現開心好多. 後尾工人去淋水先發現佢埋咗件衫喺後園個花槽度呀.