
peeling knife?

呢把就係向下彎嘅刀仔, sam話係for peeling, 不過我唔用佢批皮, 我中意用幼牙嘅刀.
話時話, 鬼每種刀都有自己嘅功能, 煮一餐飯要用幾把刀, 食一餐飯又要用幾把刀, 但中國人乜都一刀搞掂, 究竟係中國人太叻, 一把刀萬能, 定係中國人太求其, 一d都唔在意把刀嘅設計呢?
講真, 我覺得唔同功能嘅刀幾好用架, 譬如魚刀, 用嚟起魚肉就好方便. 唔同功用嘅刀, 係得心應手d嘅. 特別對於我呢d半途出家嘅煮飯婆.

2 則留言:

  1. mine is curve-r (?) rounder i think.

    check this out.
    click ''produkte''
    click ''vorbereiten''

    D107 messer series. € 40. good bargain. we use this.

    why it's good? coz i imagine if i murder some1 and need to dispose the dead body. this set of knifes can finish the job. pretty convincing.

  2. 你嘅靚好多! 仲唔使一半價錢, 真係好抵.
    我收到貨已經唔中意架喇, 攞上手就知, 睇下仲係大陸做, 更加唔中意. 但諗下寄番轉頭d郵費都唔少啦, 賺煩, 咪算數囉.


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