人生旅途中各自的風景 --- by 老友記
原嚟佢好似太陽花咁, 冇太陽唔開嘅喎, 呢幾日我哋落雨呀, 佢就咁收埋, 一d都唔露面呀.
i bought Dahlia and Begonia. i wanted to buy this Gazania. but i got something else. as always. Couldn't get that. probably check internet shopping. or i am gonna tell her get me gazania. asap. hehehe. i wanna see it. can it be so dreamy ?
http://seeds.thompson-morgan.com/uk/en/product/1485/1http://seeds.thompson-morgan.com/uk/en/product/1418/1你去睇下, 係種子, 多好多色添. 佢哋寄貨都幾快, 可能你哋重趕得切.
條link出唔晒, 我寫出去啦.
回覆刪除原嚟佢好似太陽花咁, 冇太陽唔開嘅喎, 呢幾日我哋落雨呀, 佢就咁收埋, 一d都唔露面呀.
回覆刪除i bought Dahlia and Begonia. i wanted to buy this Gazania. but i got something else. as always. Couldn't get that. probably check internet shopping. or i am gonna tell her get me gazania. asap. hehehe.
回覆刪除i wanna see it. can it be so dreamy ?
你去睇下, 係種子, 多好多色添. 佢哋寄貨都幾快, 可能你哋重趕得切.
條link出唔晒, 我寫出去啦.