

佢個記者會, 未睇哂, 有一條問題問點解你咁差? 無人叫胡錦濤, 溫家寶辭職, 歷四川地震, 西藏震暴, 人地無, 你有, 你無領導才, 你無兵外交失敗. 大意. 應係另一條片.

佢唔識咬番個記者轉頭. 咁答, i am very amazed about your antiquated view on modern politics. taiwan is a free, open, fully democratic society. taiwanese people enjoy freedom of speech. this is unfortunately very very luxurious for the people in PRC. are u telling me that PRC system, a no freedom of speech system is better than Taiwan's? the kind of system u cannot speak up. people are very likely to be penalised simply because of having an opinion. this is better?

then i must say i am very proud of my fellow Taiwanese people. They do and they will always say whatever they wanna say including something pretty nasty to me, to their government. this is part of the fact i must accept and that makes me very humble. i really cannot comprehend your admiration in a dictatorship system like that.

i know that i have let my people down. it is a bit unfair to say that i am totally ignorant about this miserable event. i do care. i do care a lot, especially those who're still suffering. i am sorry. my administration is sorry. but never forget we are a great nation. in a moment like this, like kobe earthquake, like 911, very tragic moment, people showed their excellent quality, stamina and strength to help each other out. we have these qualities. we are great people. we will work together to show the world that we are no different than any other great nations.

佢竟然幾好脾氣回答果條問題. 我真係認為要靜少少. 因為亦要進入好咬緊牙關去做野既狀態. 神戶, 911 係靜靜地去搞. 可能嘈外人唔知. 太政治口水戰係太唔愛國.

有什麼意義去開記者會? 保烏紗? 都要提醒國民收拾心情哇?

不過可能第日報紙鬧更多, something like 總統口惠而實不至, 偉大國民, 奀種總統. 悲.


3 則留言:

  1. 好多謝大蕉提醒要去聽歌.

    不過黎明都略厭未夠... 纏綿 jet.

    我選擇Ricky Martin 一首Te Extraño, Te Olvido, Te Amo




    歌詞 :)


    so now u know how to say i love you in Spanish. No need to thank me. (晨早知, 低智!) 噢, 係既.

  2. 多謝多一次蕉蕉首歌先. 黎天王依家重有冇咁靚仔?

    嗱, 蕉蕉, 所以話你要成日蒲下頭啫! Te-Extrano-Te-Olvido-Te-Amo-I-miss-you-I-forget-you-I-love-you 喎, 收到嘛?

    呀, 講番小馬哥都真係令人失望囉. sam你頭嗰段佢講唔出架, 第二段佢應該講, 唔難, 可惜佢冇講. 更遺憾嘅係第三段嘅內容, 佢唔止係唔識反應, 佢哋係真嘅唔重視, 冇危機意識. 我見到話佢辭咗職個閣員係因為話事嗰個竟然問'有咁嚴重咩?' 哈! 真係不幸. 佢不如都係返番去做個市長, 做個法官, 或者做個廉政專員, 再唔係就去大學做先生啦, 總統呢家嘢, 唔係淨係靚仔就做得嚟嘅.


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