Walls and lower level ornaments -> a variety of materials.
"Important features of Baroque architecture include: ..... * opulent use of ornaments (puttos made of wood (often gilded), plaster or stucco, marble or faux finishing)
"Stucco has also been used as a sculptural and artistic material. Baroque and Rococo architecture makes heavy use of stucco. Examples can be found in churches and palaces, where stucco is mostly used to provide a smooth, decorative transition from walls to ceiling, decorating and giving measure to ceiling surfaces. Stucco is an integral part of the art of belcomposto, the Baroque concept that integrates the three classic arts, architecture, sculpture, and painting."
有 schools of stucco workers,成行成業,e.g. The Wessobrunner School from Bavaria, Germany.
回覆刪除d裝飾係咪石雕? 好精緻喎. 我又問, :D 點解依家技術先進咗, 但會做唔番以前嘅嘢呢?
咁家在歐洲, 有時見下, 睇下, 就知知地, 有時又讀Geo 雜誌, 佢有點 national geographic 感覺, 不過個歷史感重D, 愛講歷史.
回覆刪除有一首舊歌係比我 Baroque 感覺, 奇怪呢, 歌? 但有一D.
其實佢都未貼金. 嘻嘻.
瓷土? 我估係.
勁作係 David 咁計, 佢係Marble, 實際佢係好硬, 但不是花崗巖既硬,具有可創造性, 成個完成品既比例係完美, 無一下係錯, 鑿落去, 打磨落去都係無犯錯. 我估係說明人既意志具開山劈石既專注, 咁就係超凡入勝.
OH, 又扯遠左.
Re: "d裝飾係咪石雕?"
回覆刪除Ceiling -> probably wood.
Walls and lower level ornaments ->
a variety of materials.
"Important features of Baroque architecture include:
* opulent use of ornaments (puttos made of
wood (often gilded), plaster or stucco,
marble or faux finishing)
* large-scale ceiling frescoes ....."
吓? 唔係喎sam, 蕉蕉話係木做咋喎, 咁冇癮架!
Re : M Man,
讀 selecting a wood 一段.
無得 妖言惑你 添. :P
查實係多數用 stucco (裝飾用的灰泥):
"Stucco has also been used as a sculptural and artistic material. Baroque and Rococo architecture makes heavy use of stucco. Examples can be found in churches and palaces, where stucco is mostly used to provide a smooth, decorative transition from walls to ceiling, decorating and giving measure to ceiling surfaces. Stucco is an integral part of the art of belcomposto, the Baroque concept that integrates the three classic arts, architecture, sculpture, and painting."
有 schools of stucco workers,成行成業,e.g.
The Wessobrunner School from Bavaria, Germany.
大蕉, 你個頭像真係.....靚啦.
回覆刪除瓷土, Kaolin, 高嶺土. 我意念唔係錯哂, 但亦算離題, 佢個chemical formation 同 Calcium 好唔同. 其實之後我都狐疑, 個 finishing 係點? 燒下佢? 咪...光身? 哈哈.
Stucco , 灰土, 一種混合出來既土, 主要成份為沙, 水. 要有兩大原素 : Gips, 即 石膏, gypsum ; Kalk, 即 石灰, limstone
Kalk 佔多時係多用在 fassaden 上, exterior 上.
Gips 佔多時多係用在Interior.
係一樣要經驗既技術, 天氣, 土質影響結果, 好既Stucco 師會調節份量去控制結果, 太快乾水就未做完, 就冇得做. 有些技師有自己配方, 才料加入 牛奶, 啤酒, 糖, 一種花粉(樣子似似地蜀葵, 但唔係蜀葵)...等等, 去泡制獨門秘方, 求取得最好效果.
德國有Stucco 學校唔奇怪, 總愛保留古董. 未必如意大利人果種唯美, 都盡量做. 普通一間屋咁, 都成日外牆畫畫, 靚唔靚就一時時, 畫師亦係一種唔奇怪既行業.
鳴謝兩個德語網站, 一係維基, 另一個忘記.
嘻, 原嚟做carving唔係硬咁簡單嘅喎. 多謝sam.
回覆刪除你哋係專家, 我唔明, 失陪, 你哋慢慢研究.