A Street Bar,
A Poet Bar,
No, it is a Pigeon Bar.
Pigeons are all around, me
Inside the Bar, outside the Bar.
Drinking my Beer, eating my Peanuts.
I am at the edge,
close to the Street,
watching Girls coming down
the very steep Street.
I gripped my bottle of Beer, and cheer
to them.
No one cheers back
to me.
The late evening Autumn drift wind
is coming up, mild and
gentle, likes the young girls' glitterings.
Cheer to the lovely young ladies,
Someone is laughing very loudly,
Of course, because they feel happy.
Cheers, cheers to all these laughters,
Cos they are happy.
oh, another no luck night!
回覆刪除what kind of joy would it be if i can hold you tight?
maybe you are right.
my head is simply too light.
haha. no offence.
歌詞嚟架? 做乜今次冇youtube架?
回覆刪除咁呢幾句呢? 係你作嘅咩? k唔食月餅, 你都冇得食呢?
我都冇得食. 都好, 唔使忍口咁辛苦.
係我亂寫 :)
係, 佢唔食月餅. 呢條片有潮州月餅, 呢隻可能佢會食, 不過都係唔食多. 酥皮佢可以明白. 我中意芋頭容多過綠豆容.
你為乜要忍口? 身體有小毛病?
吓? 你乜事咁有雅興整幾句詩出嚟呀? d規矩係點架? 唔識睇喎!
回覆刪除喂sam, 個肥佬係邊個嚟架? 我見到台長喎.
我對潮州月餅興趣唔大, 屋企唔興買呢d, 都係廣式月餅. 芋同綠豆我都中意, 但酥皮就麻麻地, 事關我祇係食過一次咁多潮州月餅, 係喺北京, 人哋俾我食, 豆沙餡, 粗到不得了, d酥皮韌嘅, 試過你唔會再試.
我? 依家唔知呀, 我已經有三四年冇去check喇, 上次就咩事都冇. 不過我依家肥咗好多呀, 返嚟嗰陣21吋半腰, 依家肥咗最起碼4吋, 文成日笑我肥, 早兩日我話減肥, 佢伸隻手指篤我額頭惡騰騰咁話, 妳敢! 嘻, 你估我真係會去減咩! 噏之嘛.
不過係衰呀, 我成日係又噏唔係又噏, 又乜都話食, d乜菇物菇成日都係咁講. 嗰日同佢一齊喺棵月桂樹下, 我見新結咗d種子, 咪伸手去摘, 諗住俾佢睇下囉, 點知佢即刻喝住話有毒架, 唔食得架! 好似我係傻嘅. 我點會無啦啦去食至得架!