尋日見白田先生將佢搬咗去weshare, 勉強都叫有dd所見略同, 因為我都係喺最後嘅機會試下做'輕鬆搬家', 諗住橫掂都冇乜影響吖嘛.
既然話weshare 同 xuite 都可以各有一次機會, 咁我就叫佢兩個都做啦. 佢話做完會有email 通知, 但到依家我都收唔到任何通知, 唔知叫做搬完未? 網誌係見到已經存在, 但回應 --- 呢d先係我想要嘅嘢 --- 却殘缺不全, 例如結束嗰篇本嚟有146 個回應, 但搬咗過去係 0 . xuite 更加係所有回應失晒蹤. 即是搬都冇用.
算啦, 過咗去就過咗去, 隨其自然啦, 反正, 又有幾多個曾經留言嘅人仍然記得我? 我盡咗力,叫做盡人事聽天命囉. 要消失嘅始終都留唔到架啦.
做人當然冇寫網誌呢d遊戲咁瀟灑, 所謂'情憂不在多, 一夕可傷神', 又邊有 '聽' 歌咁輕鬆.
You're Always On My Mind - Sam Cooke 嘅版本
You're always my mind
Instilled in my heart
You're always on my mind
Although we are apart
You're always, always
Always on my mind
Baby, the reason why I know
I can't forget your face
Cause everywhere I go
I see you everyplace
You're always, always
Always on my mind
Life is so empty
Along with a broken heart
Please, please tell me
Honey, why did we have to part
You know it's you I love
To my heart you hold the key
I pray the stars above
That you hurry back to me
You're always, always
You're always on my mind
Instilled in my heart
You're always on my mind
Although we are apart
You're always, always
Always on my mind
Baby, the reason why I know
I can't forget your face
Cause everywhere I go
I see you everyplace
You're always, always
Always on my mind
Life is so empty
Along with a broken heart
Please, please tell me
Honey, why did we have to part
You know it's you I love
To my heart you hold the key
I pray the stars above
That you hurry back to me
You're always, always
You're always on my mind