
我叫test, 係文太分身

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7 則留言:

  1. but unequivocally speaking, i can be so lazy.
    (who knows ? you wanna say.)
    i have been falling in love with this word ''unequivocal''.
    i found it from a meryl streep movie and love it ever since.

    the magic is :
    you go do some washing, k said (imperative tone.)

    my answer : unequivocally speaking, i am so lazy. u'd better give me up, mdm.

    i am nuts, yeah, i know.
    and tiny voice : the truth is the most frequent used verbal sentence in my household is YES! Mdm. (plus a salute.) haha ~~~

  2. the other one is ''at the end of the day''.
    i stop using at the end of the day for a while. i like using ''eventually''.
    i think ''literally'' is going to be popular in HK. literally is very british i think.
    there's a song by james blunt named 1973.
    the lyrics begin like this :
    simone, you're getting older. your journey's been AT your skin.....

    everytime i heard the word AT, i clicked to ECHT.

    it's a German word means Really ? the pronounciation is more interesting than the english AT. but when james blunt sang AT, i thought of ECHT. everytime, 100%.

    but i don't use ECHT ? that much. i use Ehrlich ? more or less the same.

    do you think i should ask my young german learner cousin from Britain to bring me something i like there? for instance, Walker chips, salt and vinegar flavour. skipper fish, in oil, not in tomatoe sauce.

    i really should not feel so embarassed by asking her to bring me walker chips. after all, appearance in this occasion should not be a concern, should it?

    Get a Grip! you gonna say. haha...

  3. after checking the lyrics, it goes like this :

    You're getting older
    The journey's been
    Etched on your skin

    so, my suspicious is pretty real. ETCHED

    CHED is there.

    never mind.

  4. 笑死我, 算你坦白.

    喂, 你出去講啦, 人哋唔使click入嚟先睇到吖嘛.

  5. 你幾時咁迂腐呀? 又幾時咁婆媽呀? 想食咪叫佢帶嚟囉, 好重咩! 你都去機場接佢啦.

    過咗呢一村就冇呢個店, 你諗你.

  6. 其實本市可以搵到, 香港都可以搵到. 小朋友...佢好弱不禁風咁, 怕左佢. 香港 m & s 百貨 d chips 就唔中意食. 本國既 chips ? 有一隻得, 不過係做成 sticks, 一條條, 呢隻好食, 有厚度. m & s 食佢個杏仁餅, right ? 我普通. 薑餅有趣 d.

  7. 我平時冇食chips呢d垃圾架, 甜嘅垃圾就食多d. 呢度都冇m & s, 或者南部有就唔知, 嗰邊多英國人.


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