搭早幾班火車返屋企. 想返屋企. 慕尼黑好好, 無問題. 返到屋企去睇左一集BROTHERS AND SISTERS, 係DVD. 係 CALISTA FLOCKHART 久休復出之作. 即係 ALLY MCBEAL 個主角. 今次係 DRAMA, 唔係 COMEDY.
有一場咁既戲, 佢同一個人講佢大學時比男朋友 CHEAT , 佢去同男朋友講 : the world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There's too much at stake and life's too short for lies. And you are the worst kind of the person in the world because you wasted my heart. My time.
個人聽完同佢講 : we love the people we love not because they are perfect.
呢段唔錯, 不過成個戲我就覺得就普通.