

i was 18years old. But this song remind me of Annie, the girl i really like when I 26years old. She rejected me, I felt miserable, but i got my wife now, my love for whole life. (quote from tghii1973)

係杜德偉鍾愛一生. 佢下面有一個咁既留言. 幾有趣. 18 歲呢個人聽到呢首歌, 到26 歲佢遇上Annie. Annie 係一個我幾喜愛既英文名, 但要正確地讀出, 不是港式英文. 跟住佢會咁寫落去 : but i don't take NO for an answer. i am gonna go back to ''haunt'' her. my Annie. she's mine. she will always be mine. :-P

Get a freaking grip !!! 啦. 文太 might wanna say.

1 則留言:

  1. 'i got my wife now, my love for whole life'呀, 轉咗風喇, 重喺度發夢!


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