Umm...could it be "Shingles"?! Ask your doctor ASAP, Mrs. Man! A friend of mine got shingles attacking the nerves around her ear; worst case is deaf. My brother got shingles attacking his nerves near his eye; worst case is blind. If it's shingles, take the anti-viral medication ASAP! Take it even if it has past the critical 1st day or 2!
Take care!!
回覆刪除南部受阿爾卑斯山影響就先凍, 亦係果一個地區凍天氣較長. SCOTLAND 之於英國咁.
回覆刪除嘴唇起咗幾個泡仔, 飲水就可以用飲筒, 但刷牙就成日都會碰到, 所以好得慢.
我哋北部都開始落雪, 不過離我哋三四個鐘頭車, 唔使驚. 我哋呢幾日都凍咗好多, 但好彩落雨就冇繼續降溫.
Umm...could it be "Shingles"?!
回覆刪除Ask your doctor ASAP, Mrs. Man!
A friend of mine got shingles attacking the nerves around her ear; worst case is deaf.
My brother got shingles attacking his nerves near his eye; worst case is blind.
If it's shingles, take the anti-viral medication ASAP!
Take it even if it has past the critical 1st day or 2!