
Watching (by 楊鍵)

I remember Mum pulled by my ear to take me away from the pond.
During then,
I was watching a frog,
I started watching it from morning,
All the way till evening,
Dusk was falling,
It just didn't move a bit.
Mum said,
It didn't move,
What good are you looking at?
She didn't know,
I have been watching for a long time,
Before I could see this frog in the pond,
And I spent more time watching,
Before I come to know
Life is not only just me.
It was that I have spent long time watching,
Before I found out,
Leaves fell on its body,
It just didn't move a bit,
Fly landed on its body,
It just didn't move a bit,
And Mum pulled by my ear
Just wanted to drag me home.
After I am grown up
I come to know,
I was in this passed away structure of mankind
Watching the movements of a frog,
The motionless frog in my childhood deeply attracted me.

(translated by oswald, poem is in 楊鍵的詩集「慚愧」page 138-9)



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