人生旅途中各自的風景 --- by 老友記
Perhaps, you can use an old toothbrush with a smaller brush head toclean it (kid's size, medium firm).
係喎, 做乜你咁聰明嘅呢? 我用個牙刷試下撩唔入, 咁就算囉喎, 又唔識諗話買個細路牙刷喎. 咁我一於去搵個細頭牙刷啦. 唔該晒.
Perhaps, you can use an old tooth
回覆刪除brush with a smaller brush head to
clean it (kid's size, medium firm).
係喎, 做乜你咁聰明嘅呢? 我用個牙刷試下撩唔入, 咁就算囉喎, 又唔識諗話買個細路牙刷喎. 咁我一於去搵個細頭牙刷啦. 唔該晒.