This is the flowering dogwood tree.
In my writing I mean the Japanese
movie picture Hanamizuki by 新垣結衣
and 生田斗真 (Chinese title is 花水木 -
the name of the tree. )
In my writing I said : After 花水木,
I mean after watching the movie 花水木.
Ha ha, sorry for being so obscure.
哦, 原嚟即是dogwood咁解, 多謝解釋. 咁係咪又即是山茱萸呢? 個名都好kiu口. :)
回覆刪除唔關事, 係我又唔聽歌又唔睇戲, 所以咪乜都唔明囉. 有套咁嘅戲我都未聽過. :D
是也, 或稱大花山茱萸.
回覆刪除睇戲?好鐘意架, 細個果時一日財四場直落, 睇到腰骨赤.(因為坐前座)