Please keep on praying for the unfortunate people in Japan.
Wish all those who are deceased are now staying in a better world.
My prayer - Miagi, Japan
I can do nothing, I can only pray,
Death is not I'm afraid,
It's a fact all men must face.
Gone, they are gone, just
In a swift of time,
In a twist of Nature.
You can do nothing, you can make no bargain,
Stand firmly and calmly, you're brave,
Smile and welcome the fate.
Death is not you're afraid,
It's a fact men must face,
Somewhere, some place, there, we w'd have better days.
生命喺突如其來嘅一瞬間結束, 冇恐懼, 冇悲傷, 冇戀戀不捨, 冇掙扎... 或許係唔錯嘅結局.
回覆刪除但一切, 哀, 痛, 思, 念, 憶... 全部都留低俾留低嘅人... 時間越耐, 感覺越深...